Friends of Jefferson Barracks

Enjoy Events Year-Round at Jefferson Barracks Historic Site: Contact us for updates as the changing restrictions in response to Covid have affected our programs and events.

Feature Events

J B Blast Friday, July 1, 2022!

Come on out to Jefferson Barracks Amphitheater on Friday, July 1, 2022 and enjoy music, food and fireworks!
The Friends of Jefferson Barracks may be selling a limited menu of Hot Dogs, Soda, Water, Chips & Pretzels. However, we may also be partnering ith another organization that would greatly widen the offering for your concert dining pleasure. Check back here for any updates. 


Upcoming Events

NOTICE: Online sales of tickets for the Adult Egg Hunt are no longer available through this web site. Tickets are still available for the Adult Egg hunt this weekend.  You may purchase your tickets on site in Jefferson Barracks at the event starting at 6:30pm. You may contact Kennedy Recreation Center at 314-615-5572 with any questions or concerns.
April 8 & 9: Adult Egg Hunt, 8-10pm. "Dress for the weather and bring a flashlight!"
April 22-24: WWII Weekend, sponsored by the 2nd US Ranger Battalion (Reenacted). Call 314-615-8882 for more information.   

february | march | april | may | june | july | august | september | october | november | december